How to Generate Real Estate Leads for New Agents

Becoming a real estate agent is exciting, and it is a great career that can grow quickly. While you can’t wait to start making sales, the reality is it is tough to generate leads. The real estate industry is a competitive market, and other agents are just as eager to find leads.

How do you stand out and get noticed among the sea of realtors? Here are seven great tips on generating real estate leads for new agents.

1. Call real estate leads

Most people know a realtor, but they may not know you are one. You need to let everyone know that you are an agent and can care for their real estate needs when starting.

Open your phone and go to contacts. Here is your first list of potential clients to call. It doesn’t matter if they are looking to buy or sell. Your job is to let them know that you are available when they need it. Family, friends, acquaintances, and even your dentist is fair game because they will take your call.

Don’t be pushy, just let them know you are eager to help them out. While they may not become clients right away, they may know someone who needs a realtor.

2. Meet new real estate leads

Now it’s time to expand your network and meet new potential leads out in the real world. Join social groups and volunteer to interact with people you don’t know. You can spark up conversations and give them your card. Develop relationships at church or the gym and put your profession on display.

Don’t be pushy because people can see right through that. Be genuine and build trust before hitting them with a sales pitch. The real estate game is all about relationships. The more you have, the more leads it will generate.

An excellent way to nurture your real estate leads is through Customer Relationship Management (CRM). This platform allows you to organize and analyze client info in an intuitive database. You can use CRM for real estate lead generation, among other activities. CRM will help you nurture your long-term relationship with the new real estate contacts.

3. Put on a name tag

This may seem a little dated but wearing a real estate name tag lets strangers know you are an agent. Before long, you will forget you are wearing it and then when people approach you, it will seem like you are begging for leads.

You become the billboard, and this type of self-marketing is free. It will make you look professional and always on the clock too. Try it out and see what reactions you get.

4. Call old real estate leads

When a listing expires, that’s when the vampires come out. Real estate agents smell fresh blood and jump on the chance to pick up the listing. Sellers can easily get overwhelmed by this and are already unhappy that their home hasn’t sold. The last thing they want is a bunch of agents bugging them.

When several months go by, a homeowner may be more receptive to a new, eager agent that wants to help them sell their home. Call these expired listings and be gentle with your approach. They are probably ready to try selling again.

5. Get a festival booth

There are lots of places you can rent a booth for the day and market yourself as a realtor. Local festivals and family events draw people in for a fun-filled day. They mingle through the booths and are usually in a good mood to talk, so this is the perfect place to let them know who you are.

Try the neighbourhood farmer’s market so people will recognize you week after week. It may take a person a few times before they approach you, so be consistent. Give out some branded swag, and make sure you have a sign-up sheet to build an email marketing list too.

6. Partner with a divorce lawyer

This is a good strategy for finding qualified leads. People going through a martial split need new housing, whether selling or buying a new home, as well as finding a rental. You could be the go-to agent that your lawyer friend recommends.

Call several divorce lawyers and take them out for a coffee. Tell them the truth that you are a new agent looking to generate leads and are honest and eager. You will benefit them because they can show their clients that they have a realtor as part of their team.

7. Find real estate leads online

Most realtors will have a website, and you definitely should also. Some older realtors may not be as tech-savvy and may not often update their site. This is where you can reach the new, digital crowd.

Build an interactive website with video and colourful pictures with a landing page introducing yourself on video. Include a blog and have weekly articles ranging from the real estate market to moving tips and other interesting content.

Dominate social media by being active on Twitter, Instagram and video platforms like YouTube and Vimeo. The more you are digitally out there more you will build your brand.

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