How to Grill Salmon on Gas Grill Properly

Does your family love backyard BBQing whenever the sun comes out? Burgers, steaks, chicken and hot dogs are the usual fair, but there is so much more you could be grilling. How about salmon?

This fatty fish is nutritious and easy to cook outside on the gas grill. It’s something the family will find delicious and is a healthy change of protein to add to the rotation.

Does the thought of BBQing salmon scare you? It shouldn’t. Here’s how to grill salmon on the gas grill.

First things first, pick your type of salmon.

  • Atlantic salmon: This type is usually farmed and has a mild flavour
  • Sockeye salmon: This is a leaner salmon with rich red colour and lots of flavours
  • Chum salmon: Chum salmon has a pale colour with low-fat content and is a smaller fish
  • King salmon: This big fish has a higher fat content and a rich taste
  • Steelhead salmon: It’s an affordable salmon that is tasty with its orange/pink colour

Find the freshest salmon you can find with no dark spots of smell. It’s up to you if you prefer farmed or wild salmon. Farmed salmon are fed a diet rich in protein and fat, so they grow larger, while wild salmon eat different invertebrates they find in nature and have higher minerals in them.

Let’s learn how to grill salmon on gas grill:

1. Start with seasoning

Salmon has a rich flavour and doesn’t need much. You can grill an outstanding piece of fish with just salt and pepper, but if you want to take it up a notch, try different spices and citrus and glazes and sauces. Let it sit and marinate for 10-15 minutes to allow your seasoning to permeate the fish. Make sure your salmon comes to room temperature before putting it on the grill.

2. Prep your gas grill

You always want to have a clean grill before cooking anything, so brush off any food residing while it is cold and wipe a little olive oil and the grate. Your gas grills will probably have multiple burners, so make two different zones for searing and slow cooking. You can use the hot side to sear your salmon and flip it to the other side to finish it.

Preheat the grill for 15 minutes to burn off the residue oil and set the dual temps.

3. Start grilling the salmon

You should always go skin-side down, but if your fillets have the skin removed, you can use a piece of foil. Cut the foil an inch larger than the salmon all the way around and poke some holes. Then put on some olive oil and place your salmon on top.

Now you need to resist the urge to touch it. Let it cook undisturbed for 6-8 minutes or until it starts releasing its fat. If your salmon is sticking to the grill, give it a minute or two more. Then gently flip the salmon over to the cooler side to finish off. It should only take 2-4 minutes. Most salmon cuts should be fully cooked within 12 minutes but use a thermometer or sight and touch to get it right where you want it.

Skin side down helps the fish stick to the grill by releasing fat onto the grate. If you want grill marks across your fish, start with the top side down for 2-3 minutes, then flip to the skin side down. This gives the salmon a nice BBQ look, and the char will taste great.

4. Use grilling tools

When prepping your salmon, you can use a brush to spread marinated and sauces. Once on the grill, you want to keep that fillet intact, so don’t use a fork to flip it. A BBQ tong or spatula works best, so there are no mishaps, and your salmon ends up on the ground.

Use an instant-read BBQ thermometer to get the exact temp you are looking for, and a pair of tweezers are handy to pull out any pin bones left behind before it goes on the grill.

5. Rest time

You need to allow your salmon to rest for 5 minutes before serving it, but this gives everyone time to bring out all the sides and make their way to the picnic table.

6. Prepare sides

What can you serve with your amazing grilled salmon? Almost anything you desire!

A whole grain like rice or quinoa is tasty, and salads are always a BBQ hit. Grill up an assortment of veggies and even do some fruit for a sweet addition to your plate.

Now you can take your grilling mastery to a whole new level with the addition of salmon. Follow these tips for grilling your salmon and watch your family and friends enjoy the sea’s bounty.

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