How to Make a Chatbot: 7 Steps

A chatbot is a type of artificial intelligence that we as users interact with via text or through a voice interface. They are proliferating in numbers as we get more accustomed to technology intertwining with our lives. You can see these systems in everyday items built by companies such as Amazon or Google. In addition, many contemporary shopping malls allow customers to interact with them via a text-based computer system.

If you are planning to create a chatbot, just know that there are certain procedures to learn first. Here are the seven key steps to keep in mind on how to make a chatbot from the ground up:

Step #1: Identify the purpose of the chatbot.

Before you learn how to make a chatbot, you need to first ask yourself a couple of questions. As stated previously, the platforms in which chatbots are implemented are increasing at an accelerated degree. Consumers have many different choices at hand as it relates to why they are in need of one. When trying to develop your own unique chatbot, it is important to ask yourself: why are you making a chatbot?

As with many different entrepreneurial projects, a product has to stand out if it has any chance of being noticed. Your chatbot is going to have to simplify certain processes to make the consumer’s life easier. Make sure you can fully answer this question in every respect before continuing the process.

Step #2: Make sure the chatbot is viable for business.

Once the existential question of “why?” is out of the way, you’ll have to identify some other factors that relate to your overall business activities. Generally, any type of product is supposed to solve operational quandaries, in addition to deciphering future opportunities from gathered metrics.

Resolving these business and data-related issues will inevitably contribute to the business overall, be it an established company or start-up. The chatbot, in the long run, is supposed to work for you, not the other way around.

Step #3: Understand who is using the chatbot.

A common theme throughout these steps is the ability to understand the consumer. The same can be said for creating a chatbot from scratch. To figure out this conundrum, take a look at how your audience engages with you. Record the best platforms that are used for engagement such as social media, text-based chat systems, or by phone.

You’ll also have to consider what actions are performed once interaction is underway, as well as what sort of expectations they will have of you. Sit with your team and distinguish the best path forward.

Step #4: Design a conversation with the chatbot

The next step in designing a chatbot is to create an initial conversation. These conversations can manifest in two formats; structured and unstructured. Structured represents a steady flow of logical information by taking into consideration data from interfaces such as the menu. The unstructured conversation will see a flow that includes freestyle text from dialogue sources such as family or friends.

When you are developing scripts, it is important to keep in mind that the purpose of the conversation topics should remain close to the purpose of the chatbot. The designer will then interpret user answers, which are vital to developing the script for the conversation user interface.

Step #5: Use a non-coding framework when you make the chatbot.

Unlike code-based frameworks, non-coding systems allow users to make simple chatbot conversations. There are plenty of platforms available to do this as well such as Botsify, Chatfuel, and Flow XO.

Most of these platforms come with easy to use drag-and-drop templates and visual editing tools. Once they are created, they can be uploaded to a cloud computing system to perform basic functions.

Step #6: Use a code-based framework when you make the chatbot.

If you opt to develop your chatbot with a more code-based formula, then you will likely need the assistance of code developers. These specialists can use frameworks such as or Microsoft Bot to help develop a chatbot that will solve more complex problems.

In addition, these types of chatbot systems can serve your customers better overall through decoding their unstructured conversation.

No matter what system you decide to go with, use the framework that assists your initial purpose of creation the most.

Step #7: Outsource the chatbot creation if necessary.

Let’s say you reach a point along the development of your chatbot that necessitates more advanced functionality. It may be wise to hire developers who are able to build smarter versions of your chatbot to solve even more complicated tasks. An experienced AI chatbot developer will not only be able to make your chatbot find answers to complex issues, but allow them to do it in simpler ways. It never hurts to take a risk for the sake of your product!

When it comes to modern-day business, technology makes many of our traditional practices more efficient. Chatbots, therefore, can be considered as an essential tool for the future. With many platforms already on the market, the number of these systems will only grow in time. If you are looking to give your business the edge it needs, integrate it with a chatbot. You might see better returns much earlier than expected.

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