How to Unclog a Vape Pod

Imagine you’re out with friends alongside your favourite vape pod and want to showcase that extraordinary vaping style you’ve been practising. Nonetheless, just after bragging about it, you suddenly realize your gadget isn’t hitting. Heartbreaking, right? Unsuccessful hits often result from clogged pods. 

Clogged vape pods may appear like a petty problem until it happens to you. It’s frustrating! Hopefully, you’ve learned what circumstance would block your device, alongside ways to unclog and prevent the issue. If the pod isn’t cleared with all of the above methods, it could be a sign to get an upgrade.

Fortunately, this blog will show you how to unclog the device and continue to perform wonderfully. 

Dirt and Debris

Your vape pods works normally when first purchased. Over time, it becomes clogged because of dirt and debris around it. Dust particles, e-juice waste, and other dirt accumulated on your device often lead to clogging. Some dirt may also have entered the juice, contaminating or messing with its original composition, blocking it. 

Expired E-Juice

If the e-juice in your vape pod has passed its intended lifespan, it will likely clog when you hit it. This is because e-juice expiration changes ingredients appearance. The most visible sign of expired e-juice is a change in viscosity, which causes clogging. 


Dormancy in vape pods refers to when you stay for long periods without using the device. For instance, when you haven’t touched the pod in three weeks or a month, the e-juice settles and hardens, leading to clogging. Dormancy also attracts dirt around pod components. 

Poor Quality Devices

Another possible cause of clogging in vape pods is low quality devices. Such vape pods often have issues arising from their inferior components and standards. One such problem is clogging, as the parts may not be tightly secured or made of suitable materials. 

Improper Storage

How you store your vape pod influences its chances of clogging. For instance, keeping the device at frigid temperatures could lead to e-juice solidification, hence clogging. Vape pods stored in an open place may also clog from dust and dirt accumulating around them. 

Unclogging a Vape Pod 

Maybe you’ve fallen victim to the above circumstances, and now you must unclog your vape pod. If not, this information may be helpful in the future. 

Clean Around the Airways

As highlighted earlier, dirt and residue are among the leading causes of vape pod clogging. To unclog, examine the airways for dirt accumulation. The mouthpiece and other connection components are also prone to dirt and should be cleaned well. A cotton swap or soft cloth can be used for cleaning. 

Take Dry Hits

Taking dry hits from your clogged vape pod can help unclog it. Without firing the device, you draw strongly from the mouthpiece. The technique works by loosening and pulling any stubborn clogs within the vape pod’s connection areas. You can do this twice or thrice for more impressive results. 

Safety Pin & Toothpick

A safety pin or toothpick can rescue a vape pod. However, you must be careful not to damage the device with these essentials. Carefully insert a toothpick or safety pin through the airways to clear clogs. 

Shake the Vape Pod

Do you know you can unclog a vape pod with a shake? The shake, however, should be more strategic in order to avoid ruining the device or spilling the contents. Hold the device gently and shake gently to dislodge any clogs within. 

Heat the Vape Pod

Heating a vape pod is another technique for unclogging them. Clogs respond pretty well to heat, allowing them to loosen and allow the vape to draw. You can apply different heat methods to a clogged vape pod, including rinsing through warm water or running a hair blow dry on low to medium heat. 

How to Prevent Vape Pod from Clogging 

While several methods exist to unclog a blocked vape pod, it’s wise to prevent clogs before they happen. The aforementioned tactics are indeed effective; however, frequent clogs may damage the device irreparably.

To prevent these issues, make sure not to overfill the pod, as excess e-juice can cause residue build-up and clogging. It’s also advisable to use your device regularly. Letting it sit unused for extended periods can solidify the contents inside, creating blockages.

Buying high-quality vape pods and accessories is another smart move. These products typically use better materials and adhere to more reliable standards, which can save you from dealing with clogs often encountered with inferior products.

Keeping your vape pods clean is crucial. Regular cleaning according to the recommended practices ensures that no dust or dirt accumulates around the airflow paths, which would otherwise clog. By following these preventative measures, you can enjoy a smoother vaping experience without frequent maintenance issues.

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